Collins Tract Elementary School, Pennsauken, New Jersey 08109
The purpose of this web site is to provide contact information to those of us who were in kindergarten at Collins Tract School in Pennsauken during the 1963/1964 school year. Please be sure to forward me your updated email addresses and the email addresses for any classmates whose email addresses are not listed on the Class web page so that I can keep the web page current. Please also forward me information on classmates that have passed away. In order to help prevent unsolicited email ("spam") from being sent to members of our class, "mailto" tags (which make email hyperlinks) have purposely not been included on this web site. This helps prevent spammers from using webcrawling software to retrieve our email addresses for spamming purposes. To email a classmate, simply copy and paste an email address into the address window of your email program.
Please feel free to email me any comments or suggestions with regard to this
web site.
Email: Len Campbell
LATEST UPDATES Patrick Carr email update Judi Myles email update Walter Kirby (deceased) Rob Jones (deceased) Brian Smyth email update |
Many classmates discovered our website after entering their names
into a internet search engine such as Google. In order to increase the
likelihood that other classmates will find our website in the same
manner, the entire list of classmates has been set forth below including
possible nick names, married names and maiden names: |
Mark Andrews, Deborah Barclay, Deb Barclay, Debby Barclay, Debbie Barclay, Glenn Bierbach, Bruce Billing, Diane Boucot, Diane Pyle, Diane Boucot Pyle, Kathleen Brennan, Kath Brennan, Kathy Brennan, Elizabeth Burgess, Liz Burgess, Beth Burgess, Besty Burgess, Betty Burgess, Leonard Campbell, Len Campbell, Lenny Campbell, Skip Campbell, Skippy Campbell, Patrick Carr, Pat Carr, Patty Carr, Vincent Cesare, Vince Cesare, Paul Cippon, Gerald Davies, Gerry Davies, Patricia Dempsey, Pat Dempsey, Patty Dempsey, Pattie Dempsey, Alan, Dill, Al Dill, Sean Doran, Linda Draper, Robert Dunay, Rob Dunay, Robby Dunay, Bob Dunay, Bobby Dunay, Mary Engle, Edward Ewing, Ed Ewing, Eddy Ewing, Eddie Ewing, Stephen Figueroa, Steve Figueroa, Frank Fisher, Franky Fisher, Tom Flournoy, Tommy Flournoy, Thomas Flournoy, Charles Forward, Chuck Forward, Charley Forward, Robert Fluck, Rob Fluck, Robby Fluck, Robbie Fluck, Bob Fluck Bobby Fluck, Deborah Gray, Debby Gray, Deb Gray, Debbie Gray, Jennifer Hartusch, Jen Hartusch, Jenny Hartusch, Jennie Hartusch, Dean Hess, Barbara Holleufer, Barb Holleufer, Robert Jones, Rob Jones, Robby Jones, Robbie Jones, Bob Jones, Bobby Jones, Donna Kattrick, Mary Kenney, Anne Marie Kerbaugh, Walter Kirby, Walt Kirby, James Kock, Jim Kock, Jimmy Kock, Janet Loomis, Jan Loomis, Carolyn May, Carolyn May Essel, Carolyn Essel, Donald Mayer, Don Mayer, Donny Mayer, Donnie Mayer, Mark McFeeters, Robert Merkh, Rob Merkh, Robby Merkh, Robbie Merkh, Bob Merkh, Bobby Merkh, Susanne Miazga, Sue Miazga, Richard Mina, Rich Mina, Ricky Mina, Dick Mina, Rick Mina, Ricky Mina, Lisa Molodovitch, Michael Moses, Mike Moses, Judilyn Myles, Judy Myles, Judi Myles, John Nichols, Johnny Nichols, Norman Palais, Norm Palais, Karin Palmer, Karry Palmer, Karrie Palmer, John Pericles, Johnny Pericles, Bonnie Perrin, James Pinto, Jim Pinto, Jimmy Pinto, Robert Powitsky, Rob Powitsky, Robby Powitsky, Robbie Powitsky, Bob Powitsky, Bobby Powitsky, Paul Rahter, Alden Reeves, Al Reeves, Bonnie Richmond, Jamees Schmicker, Jim Schmicker, Jimmy Schimicker, Sharon Segrest, Craig Seybold, Clifford Shinn, Cliff Shinn, Diane Smith, Susan Smith, Brian Smyth, Daniel Sourber, Dan Sourber, Danny Sourber, Gail Southwick, Leigh Straub, William Thompson, Will Thompson, Willy Thompson, Bill Thompson, Billy Thompson, Lynne Tomkinson, Richard Van Osten, Rick Van Osten, Rich Van Osten, Ricky Van Osten, Dick Van Osten, Donna Warren Joseph Watson, Joe Watson, Joey Watson, Dan Whitaker, Danny Whitaker, Daniel Whitaker, Grace Wristbridge |
Last Revision Date: February 28, 2012